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6 mins READ

Using Salesforce streamlines managing customer relationships and sales processes. It helps track customer interactions, manage sales deals, and analyze data for better decisions.Salesforce ensures your customer data is protected with strong security. It's a tool for boosting sales efficiency and keeping customer information organized and safe.

Integrating your application with Salesforce allows you to leverage Salesforce's extensive CRM capabilities.


Before you begin, make sure you have the following information:

  • Connection Name: Assign a descriptive name for this connection. This name is essential as it helps identify this specific Salesforce connection within UnifyWorkflow.

  • Domain: This information directs your application to connect to the correct Salesforce instance. If your Salesforce instance URL is, then your domain is

  • Authentication Type: There are two options for authenticating the connection to your salesforce account - OAuth & JWT Token.


After entering the Domain of your company, click Authorise.
It will redirect you to the login page of Salesforce, from where you can login to your Salesforce account to directly authorize and connect your salesforce account in UnifyApps.

Salesforce JWT Token

Step 1: Create a Private Key and Digital Cert

Authorizing an org with the org login jwt command requires a digital certificate and the private key used to sign the certificate. You can use your own private key and certificate issued by a certification authority.

Alternatively, you can use OpenSSL to create a key and a self-signed digital certificate. Using a private key and certificate is optional when you authorize an org by logging into a browser.

This process produces two files:

  • server.key—The private key. You specify this file when you authorize an org with the org login jwt command.

  • server.crt—The digital certificate. You upload this file when you create the required connected app.

  1. Open a terminal (macOS and Linux) or command prompt (Windows).

  2. If necessary, install OpenSSL on your computer. To check whether OpenSSL is installed on your computer, run the which command on macOS or Linux or the where command on Windows.

    which openssl
  3. Create a directory for storing the generated files, and change to the directory.

    mkdir /Users/jdoe/JWT
    cd /Users/jdoe/JWT
  4. Generate a private key, and store it in a file called server.key

    openssl genpkey -des3 -algorithm RSA -pass pass:SomePassword -out server.pass.key -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048
    openssl rsa -passin pass:SomePassword -in server.pass.key -out server.key

    You can delete the server.pass.key file because you no longer need it.

    • Generate a certificate signing request using the server.key file. Store the certificate signing request in a file called server.csr. Enter information about your company when prompted.

      openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr
    • Generate a self-signed digital certificate from the server.key and server.csr files.   Store the certificate in a file called server.crt.

      openssl x509 -req -sha256 -days 365 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt


      For more information, kindly lookup the Salesforce documentation

Step 2 : Create a Connected App

Salesforce CLI requires a connected app in the org that you're authorizing. A connected app is a framework that enables an external application, in this case Salesforce CLI, to integrate with Salesforce using APIs and standard protocols, such as OAuth.

We provide a default connected app when you authorize an org with the org login web command. For extra security, you can create your own connected app in your org using Setup and configure it with the settings of your choice.

You're required to create a connected app when authorizing the org with the org login jwt command.

Log in to your org.

  1. From Setup, enter App Manager in the Quick Find box, then select App Manager.

  2. In the top-right corner, click New Connected App.

  3. Update the basic information as needed, such as the connected app name and your email address.

  4. Select Enable OAuth Settings.

  5. For the callback URL, enter http://localhost:1717/OauthRedirect.

    fIf port 1717 (the default) is already in use on your local machine, specify an available one instead.
    Then update your sfdx-project.json file by setting the oauthLocalPort property to the new port.

    For example, if you set the callback URL to http://localhost:1919/OauthRedirect:

    "oauthLocalPort" : "1919"

  6. (Required for JWT) Select Use digital signatures.

  7. (Required for JWT) Click Choose File and upload file that contains your digital certificate, such as server.crt.

  8. Add these OAuth scopes:

    • Manage user data via APIs (api)

    • Manage user data via Web browsers (web)

    • Perform requests at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)

  9. Click Save, then Continue.

  10. Click Manage Consumer Details.

    • If prompted, verify your identity by entering the verification code that was automatically sent to your email address.

  11. Click Copy next to Consumer Key because you need it later when you run an org login command.

  12. Click Back to Manage Connected Apps.

  13. Click Manage.

  14. Click Edit Policies.

  15. In the OAuth Policies section, for the Refresh Token Policy field, click Expire refresh token after: and enter 90 days or less.

    Setting a maximum of 90 days for the refresh token expiration is a security best practice. To continue running CLI commands against an org whose refresh tokens have expired, reauthorize it with the org login web or org login jwt command.

  16. In the Session Policies section, set Timeout Value to 15 minutes.
    Setting a timeout for access tokens is a security best practice. Salesforce CLI automatically handles an expired access token by referring to the refresh token.

  17. (Required for JWT) In the OAuth Policies section, select Admin approved users are pre-authorized for permitted users, and click OK.

  18. Click Save.

  19. (Required for JWT) Click Manage Profiles, select the profiles that are pre-authorized to use this connected app, and click Save. Similarly, click Manage Permission Sets to select the permission sets. Create permission sets if necessary.



For more information you can lookup the Salesforce documentation.

Step 3: Login with JWT

Logging into an org authorizes the CLI to run other commands that connect to that org, such as deploying or retrieving a project.

You can log into many types of orgs, such as sandboxes, Dev Hubs, Env Hubs, production orgs, and scratch orgs.

Complete these steps before you run this command:

  1. Create a digital certificate (also called digital signature) and the private key to sign the certificate. You can use your own key and certificate issued by a certification authority. Or use OpenSSL to create a key and a self-signed digital certificate.

  2. Store the private key in a file on your computer. When you run this command, you set the --jwt-key-file flag to this file.

  3. Create a custom connected app in your org using the digital certificate. Make note of the consumer key (also called client id) that’s generated for you. Be sure the username of the user logging in is approved to use the connected app. When you run this command, you set the --client-id flag to the consumer key.

We recommend that you set an alias when you log into an org. Aliases make it easy to later reference this org when running commands that require it. If you don’t set an alias, you use the username that you specified when you logged in to the org.

If you run multiple commands that reference the same org, consider setting the org as your default. Use --set-default for your default scratch org or sandbox, or --set-default-dev-hub for your default Dev Hub.

Examples for org login jwt

Log into an org with username and on the default instance URL ( The private key is stored in the file /Users/jdoe/JWT/server.key and the command uses the connected app with consumer key (client id) 04580y4051234051.

sf org login jwt --username --jwt-key-file /Users/jdoe/JWT/server.key --client-id 04580y4051234051

Set the org as the default and give it an alias:

sf org login jwt --username --jwt-key-file /Users/jdoe/JWT/server.key --client-id 04580y4051234051 --alias ci-org --set-default

Set the org as the default Dev Hub and give it an alias:

sf org login jwt --username --jwt-key-file /Users/jdoe/JWT/server.key --client-id 04580y4051234051 --alias ci-dev-hub --set-default-dev-hub

Log in to a sandbox using URL :

sf org login jwt --username --jwt-key-file /Users/jdoe/JWT/server.key --client-id 04


For more information you can lookup the Salesforce documentation.




Monitor changes in a record

Use this trigger to start the automation when selected fields in a record are changed, utilizing Salesforce Change data capture events.

New outbound message

Use this trigger to start the automation when a Salesforce outbound message is retrieved

New record

Use this trigger to start the automation when a record is created in Salesforce

Update record

Use this trigger to start the automation when a record is updated in Salesforce

Deleted record

Use this trigger to start the automation when a record is Deleted in Salesforce

New or updated record (Batch)

Use this polling trigger to start the automation when a record is created or updated in Salesforce

New platform event

Use this polling trigger to start the automation when a event is created in Salesforce

New record (Batch)

Use this polling trigger to start the automation when a record is created in Salesforce




Create record

Use this action to create a new record in Salesforce

Delete record

Use this action to delete a record from Salesforce

Get object schema

Use this action to get object schema in Salesforce

Get record details by ID

Use this action to get details of any standard or custom object in Salesforce

Get report by ID

Use this action to get details of a report in Salesforce

Update record

Use this action to update an existing record in Salesforce

Approve record in approval process

Use this action to approve the objects that are in the approval process in Salesforce

Reject record in approval process

Use this action to reject the objects that are in the approval process in Salesforce

Submit a record for approval

Use this action to subject a record for approval in Salesforce

Create records in bulk from CSV file API 1.0

Use this action to create records from a CSV file content in Salesforce

Download attachments

Use this action to download an attachment attached to an object in Salesforce

Execute SOQL

Use this action to execute a SOQL query and return its results from salesforce

Fetch dashboard metadata

Use this action to retrieve the metadata for a dashboard in Salesforce

Fetch dashboards

Use this action to get all the dashboard associated to your Salesforce account

Fetch object fields

Use this action to get all the fields associated to an object in Salesforce

Fetch object metadata

Use this action to fetch the metadata for a object in Salesforce

Fetch organisation metadata

Use this action to fetch the metadata for a organization in Salesforce

Fetch report metadata

Use this action to fetch the metadata for a report in Salesforce

Get record details by ID

Use this action to get details of a record from its ID in Salesforce

Publish platform event

Use this action to publish platform events in Salesforce

Search records using SOQL query (API 2.0)

Use this action to search your Salesforce data for specific records using SOQL query

Search records using SOQL query(Batch)

Use this action to search records in Bulk from your Salesforce data

Update record

Use this action to update the record in Salesforce

Update record in bulk from CSV file API 1.0

Use this action to update the records from CSV file content in Salesforce


What permissions should the connected user have?

The connected user's profile must have API enabled, and permissions to interact with both standard and custom objects. It's essential to set up API-enabled permission, standard and custom object permissions, and platform event permissions for the user's profile.

The API-enabled permission allows access to the Salesforce API. This permission is located in Setup > Profiles.

Standard and custom object permissions in Salesforce allow users to interact with objects in Salesforce. The connected user's profile must have permissions for reading, writing, editing, deleting, and viewing standard or custom objects. This is necessary to avoid issues when working with records.

What is JWT Bearer Authentication for Salesforce?

JWT Bearer Authentication allows you to create a connection without linking a specific user account. This process uses a digital certificate to sign the JWT request. You must have prior approval from the client app in Salesforce.